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Hello! We are Slake Corporation

We work for homes and industries to build scalable, result-driven IoT products to focus on your security, ease and access for your living

Our mission is to connect things you use to the internet.

Giving you the control of your products and services from anywhere in the world.

- Shyam Pandey, Founder & Managing Director

founder's story




It all started from National Science Exhibition at Kendriya Vidyalaya back in 2016

when I made a laser and motion tracking based security system.

During that time I also made a voice recognition based door unlocking system with Takser android app, BC548 transistor, relay and an LDR .

I started working on my engineering project and made a home automation system, got featured for that at NIT Jalandhar for innovesta 2019.

Started working on IoT and developed many projects using Arduino, ESP, Android app, etc for myself and for friends and learnt a lot.




Started this company to work for industries and to make IoT affordable and accessible to everyone.

Successfully setup an official workspace to process the orders at required time and worked for local to global consumers.



  • 2020


Team Members

  • 4


Technologies we work on

  • IoT using ESP microcontrollers

  • Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa

  • Android and iOS apps


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